Rescue 3 Certifications
WRT (Whitewater Rescue Technician) - REC 2days 285.-Euro
WRT (Whitewater Rescue Technician) - PRO 3days 350.-Euro
SRT (Swiftwater Rescue Technician) 4days 440.-Euro
To start a course on request we need a minimum of 5 participants.

Rescue 3 International is the largest international rescue training organization, offering courses
for rescue in swiftwater environments. The reputation for quality hands-on instruction using techniques that work has made Rescue 3 and its programs continue to grow. Today it numbers instructors
in more than 32 countries around the world including Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Since 1991, when it expanded to an international level, Rescue 3 International has trained more than 100.000 emergency service personnel. Rescue 3 International and our network of instructors are constantly revising the courses to provide the most current information on techniques and equipment. Rescue 3 courses offer training at three different levels: awareness, operations, and technician. The curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of the National Fire and Protection Agency (NFPA) 1670 on Technical Rescue for water and rope.